[sslh] Transparent Proxying

Yves Rutschle yves at naryves.com
Sun Jul 21 14:05:12 CEST 2013

Hello everyone,

I finally got around to cleaning up the transparent proxying
patch (for Linux only, I think). It should work fine with
both sslh-fork and sslh-select. It does involve moving httpd
from port 443 to another port (if that wasn't already the
case) and adding some iptables commands. It's all documented
in the README, along with capabilities tricks to run sslh as
a normal user (instead of root) and giving it only the
capabilitites it requires.

This is now pushed on github, so you can try it with:
git clone https://github.com/yrutschle/sslh.git

or alternatively get it from:

I would appreciate feedback to confirm it works fine and the
documentation is clear enough.

Non-Linux people, the patch should not affect you at all. If
you can just confirm it still compiles, that'd be great.


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