[sslh] sslh on RedHat

Michael Lang Michael.Lang at chester.at
Wed Jan 2 12:42:02 CET 2013

Hi Yves,

thanks for your sslh program. I've been looking into it during playing 
around with my raspberrypi.
normally I'm using RHEL or Centos and I've seen that there's an init 
script for Centos in your source code.

I've been building RPMs since more then 8 years now and want to provide 
this for your sslh so that rpm based distributions
can simply include it in the next releases...

some improvements that could be made (in special for the rpm build case)

* the Makefile should have $(DEST)$(PREFIX) to be able to "relocate" the 
binaries within the build environment
    (for now, I've moved the "make install" to the SPEC file by doing 
the same as you do in your Makefile::install

* examples for configuring openvpn + tinc + ssh + ssl ... if this is 
possible. I haven't been able to enable all protocols at once

* examples for matching protocols

I've attached the spec file and the tarball containing packages for EL5 
and EL6 (can be used on CentOS to)

kind regards

Michael Lang

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