[sslh] potential bug on Mac OS X 10.6?

Michael michael2718 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 20:11:11 CET 2013

I just downloaded and installed sslh v1.13b from MacPorts, and am invoking
it using:

sudo sslh -p --ssl localhost:777 --ssh localhost:999

I have my ssh and ssl ports in non-standard locations due to ISP filtering.

Anyway, after running the above command I have no trouble connecting to my
https server using port 443.  But when I try to connect via ssh (e.g. "ssh
-p 443 myhost" under linux) the connection seems to hang.  I added the "-f"
option and see the following output:

connection from remote:51760 to local:https forwarded from localhost:59128
to localhost:777

So it appears that it is trying to forward my ssh connection to the web

Am I doing something wrong?  Is there potentially a bug?  My server is
running Mac OS X 10.6 as it's a fairly old machine and that's the newest OS
version that is supports.

I don't see anything in the change log for versions 1.14 and 1.15 that
appear to relate to an issue such as this.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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