[sslh] SSLH not proxying to webserver if listen port not 443

Sean Warner plica2006 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 16:54:23 UTC 2018



I am new to sslh and trying to understand many new concepts.. apologies if
this is very obvious. From my reading of the instructions on the webpage
https://github.com/yrutschle/sslh#transparent-proxy-support we have to give
sslh capabilities so we can run it as an unprivileged user. I think this is
because it listens on port 443? But what if we change the port it listens
on? I can port forward external port 443 from my router to any internal port
number I like. so I tried forwarding 443 outside my router to 1445 inside
and then my /etc/sslh.cfg is like:


verbose: true;

foreground: false;

inetd: false;

numeric: false;

transparent: false;

timeout: 2;

user: "sslh"; # was nobody

pidfile: "/var/run/sslh.pid";

chroot: "/var/empty";



# Change hostname with your external address name.



    { host: ""; port: "1445"; }





     { name: "ssh"; service: "ssh"; host: ""; port: "1022"; },

     { name: "ssl"; host: ""; port: "444"; }



If I run it as ROOT then sslh will start and run but I can't load a webpage
from my server because in my browser, I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.


If I change the listen port back to 443 it will work again.


I gave filesystem capabilities to sslh from command line:

# setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin+pe /usr/local/sbin/sslh


But now when I try to run sslh NOT as ROOT


$ /etc/init.d/sslh start


I get:


pi at nextcloudpi:~ $ /etc/init.d/sslh start

Start services: sslh

ssh addr: localhost:1022. libwrap service: ssh log_level: 1 family 2 2 [] []

ssl addr: localhost:snpp. libwrap service: (null) log_level: 1 family 2 2 []

listening on:      []

timeout: 2

on-timeout: ssh

listening to 1 addresses

/var/run/sslh.pid: Permission denied

pi at nextcloudpi:~ $


I am grateful for any help offered J





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