[sslh] Add ALPN protocol based probe

moparisthebest admin at moparisthebest.com
Wed Dec 16 19:43:41 UTC 2015

Hello again,

This time I'm back with an ALPN probe patch, posted on github here:

This again pulls code from sniproxy[1] like the last patch, but modifies
it even more, and adds support for ALPN probes. Now alpn/sni as a name
mean exactly the same thing, use the same probe, and support the same
options, that is sni_hostnames and/or alpn_protocols, if both are
defined they BOTH must match. sniproxy isn't currently planning on
supporting an AND like that, so that's one more thing sslh will have the
advantage in. :)

With the new structure an SNI hostname is never malloc'd either (no
malloc during probe at all, actually), so there is a speedup there.

Let me know if this needs anything else to be included!


[1]: https://github.com/dlundquist/sniproxy/blob/alpn/src/tls.c
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