[sslh] IPv6 transparent proxy

Alex Xu alex_y_xu at yahoo.ca
Thu Aug 21 05:29:07 CEST 2014

afaict, and per
http://rutschle.net/pipermail/sslh/2014-February/000497.html, the
current sslh does not allow a single daemon to handle both IPv4 and IPv6
transparent proxying; it seems that in practice, on a dual-stack host,
it follows the default resolution and connects via IPv6, even if the
incoming stream is IPv4.

the simple solution of running two daemons for the protocol versions is
not quite as simple as it seems, since there is no way to tell the
IPv6-only version to actually listen on IPv6-only, given the default
bindv6only=0 sysctl. moreover, this solution requires either
protocol-specific DNS names (bleh) or manually specifying IP addresses
(more bleh).

where in sslh would be the correct places to patch if one wanted to
select the outgoing family based on the incoming?

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