[sslh] sslh 1.8-rc1

Yves Rutschle yves at naryves.com
Mon Dec 27 23:21:00 CET 2010

Hello everyone,

If sslh were Ubuntu, this release would be called "Extatic
Eggnog" or "Mighty Mulled Wine" or something equally
whimsical. Unfortunately, it's a boring project and
therefore it's just called 1.8, and rc1 at that.

Significant news are:

* Fixed zombie issue with OpenBSD (The SA_NOCLDWAIT flag is
  not propagated to the child process, so we set up signals
  after the fork.) (François FRITZ)
* Added single-threaded, select(2)-based version. 

The first point is significant because I cannot test it myself.
Could the OpenBSD people confirm it works? (I promise, no
backdoor has been willingly integrated in this release).

The second point is interesting for all those who have
large-ish numbers of connections: sslh-select does not fork,
it's a single process that handles all incoming connections.
I've used it for the past few weeks and it seems reliable,
but I don't really run large numbers of connections. If
someone gives it a whirl, I'll be interested in any

sslh-select makes it also possible to use sslh on Cygwin
(sslh-fork gets a 4MB penalty per connection, which is a bit
much...) I have performed minimal testing on Cygwin, all I
can say is it compiles and should work. Any feedback would
be appreciated.

Thanks for your attention, and see you in the new year for
more multiplexing.


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